As businesses strive to stay ahead of the curve, they are turning to artificial intelligence (AI) to help with various aspects of their operations. AI has already proven its worth in many industries, and is now making its way into B2B marketing. Here are seven ways AI is changing B2B marketing for the better:…
You have tried all ways to boost your website lead generation and performance, despite that you didn’t get any results. You are frightened of losing the hard-earned money that you invested in establishing your dream business. Your heart sinks and your mind whispers, “What kind of business is it if there is no ROI?” Don’t…
Landing Page is a Thing of Beauty. It gives us total control on the customer journey, if done right! Helps us control – What we want to say and What we want our customers to hear. If you are Launching a New Product or Testing out a New Idea or even trying to Generate…
I have been in this situation recently. I work in a high competitive market and we rely mostly on paid campaigns to drive our sales funnel. As you know for a paid campaign to succeed you need to have a powerful landing page which has all the required elements to convince your target customer…
Building a great Email List is like digging a gold mine. The more you work towards creating a refined email list, the more business you could generate from it. An extensive email list of loyal subscribers is the greatest asset in today’s digital world. It will serve you as a good income source It…
I use WhatsApp or Hike to communicate on a regular basis with my friends. But when it comes to interacting with my colleagues I might extend it to Slack and Skype to make it sound a bit more professional. Although we communicate in the same manner, we choose different tools for different purposes. Now,…